Christian Year

The Journey to Jerusalem: Devotions for Lent

This daily Lenten devotional was created by the worshipers of Church of the Servant Christian Reformed Church. It is used by permission of Church of the Servant.

May 11, 2012
Easter Sunday Christ’s Rising: Life Stronger than Death

“On the third day He arose again from the dead.” By these words in the Apostles Creed, Christians are declaring, forthrightly and unequivocally, a radical conviction, full of cosmic implications. He is stronger than death. His triumph over the grave ensures the defeat of any pretender to his authority and rule.

April 8, 2012

Good Friday Christ's Cross: ‘Of First Importance‘

On some points of doctrine, honest Christians honestly disagree. On one point, however, all do agree: The cross lies at the very heart of the Christian message.

April 6, 2012
Hands To Worship and Embrace the One We Crucified

Consider the amazing dexterity of our hands. With them we care for our bodies: we wash, feed and groom ourselves. Think, too, of our remarkable ability with our hands to bring blessing or cursing upon others, to help them or to inflict deep hurt. The power of touch, whether for good or ill, is immense.

March 16, 2012
Feet to Follow Jesus

Jesus, who willingly directed his feet to walk that difficult path of obedience marked out for him by his heavenly Father, endured heavy opposition from enemies as a result. Be clear, therefore: When Jesus bids a person to follow him, he doesn’t present the call as something of an attractive bargain.

March 13, 2012

Planning and Leading Worship for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost

A course from this syllabus examines how Christian worship both expresses and shapes our understanding of the life of Jesus Christ, with particular attention given to how celebrations of Advent, Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost reflect assumptions about the doctrines of incarnation, atonement, and ecclesiology.

March 12, 2012
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus Series

During this Lenten season, I intend to focus these meditations on the radiant preciousness of our Lord Jesus Christ and his love-driven willingness to endure cruel suffering and death in order to bring us new life.

February 21, 2012

Ordinary Time Resource Guide

This resource guide for Ordinary Time includes sermon ideas, worship songs and hymns, visual arts, and readings to help you plan “ordinary” worship—times in the church year outside the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. The season’s liturgical color is green, symbolizing a time of growth in the Christian life. This guide also includes ideas for worship on Christ the King Sunday, Thanksgiving, and All Saints’ Day/Reformation Sunday.

July 8, 2011