Lisa De Boer on Learning to Appreciate Liturgical Art
Lisa De Boer teaches art and art history at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. She’s been researching the role of visual arts in North American churches. In this edited conversation, she talks about learning to appreciate worship art that doesn’t match a personal ideal.
Lisa De Boer on Creating a Sustainable Church Arts Ministry
Lisa De Boer talks about the more complex step of moving from displaying art in a church gallery to including visual arts in worship.
Lisa De Boer on Changing Roles of Visual Art in Churches
Lisa De Boer summarizes her research on the changing role of visual arts in North American churches since World War II. Knowing a bit of this history may help you introduce or strengthen the arts in your congregation.
In the Fullness of Time
A general context for the use of the church year and a brief introduction to the Christmas Cycle.
Whose Art? Which Church?
Those who work at the intersection of the visual arts and congregational life know from experience how rich, complex, rewarding, and often messy this area can be.