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Lisa M. Weaver

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Lisa M. Weaver

A Random, Crazy List or Really Cogent Lections: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary

In this session, the panelists discussed the structure of the lectionary system and the advantages and challenges of its use.

February 8, 2018
Shaping a Reformation Commemoration Prayer or Worship Service

This workshop explores the ways we can prepare to commemorate this significant anniversary with both grace and truth, acknowledging both the insights and limitations of the Reformers, expressing gratitude for Christ-centered renewal and lament for divisions and even violence within Christ’s body.

February 23, 2017

Trumpets, Ashes, and Tears: New Psalmody for the Journey of Faith

In this vesper service, songwriters with ministries of writing congregation-friendly settings of the biblical Psalms lead the congregation in sung prayer, along with scripture readings and intercessions focused on ministering to the needs, challenges, and vocation of worship leaders, artists of all kinds, and pastors.

February 20, 2017
Scholars Suggest How to Remember the Reformation

Seven scholars, pastors and musicians discuss how Protestants and Catholics can and should together observe the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017.

June 1, 2016