Published on
January 28, 2012
This service of Psalm 113, Exalted Over All the Nations, was part of the Calvin Symposium on Worship 2012. Utilizing leaders from around the world, the service echoed the words "Praise the Lord, all you nations: all peoples, praise the Lord."

The music was led by the Psalm Project (Netherlands), liturgy by John Bell (Scotland), and preaching by Anne Zaki (Egypt).



Gathering Song – Alleluya Y’in Oluwa
Words and Music: traditional Nigerian, as taught by Emmanuel Badejo

Opening Responses

How good it is to thank you, Lord,
to praise your name, Most High,
to sing your love at dawn,
your faithfulness at dusk
with the sound of lyre and harp, 
with music of the lute.
For your work brings delight,
your deeds invite song. (Psalm 92)
Praise the Lord, all you nations:
all peoples, praise the Lord.

Shout joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness,
enter God’s presence with joy.
Know that the Lord is God,
our maker to whom we belong,
our shepherd to whom we flock.

Enter God’s gates with gratitude,
approach God’s courtyard with praise;
give thanks and bless God’s name. (Psalm 100)
Praise the Lord, all you nations:
all peoples, praise the Lord.

The Lord reigns from heaven;
God rules over all there is.
Bless the Lord, you angels,
quick to obey God’s word.
Bless the Lord, you ministers
eager to do God’s will.

Bless the Lord, you creatures,
present throughout God’s realm. (Psalm 104)
Praise the Lord, all you nations:
all peoples, praise the Lord.

Psalm 136 – Let Us with a Gladsome Mind   Psalms for All Seasons 136B


Holy are you,
God beyond all names,
Life before all being.
Holy are you,
greater than our best thought,
deeper than our most profound experience,
closer than our next breath.
Holy are you,
high above the universe,
accompanied by angel song and eternity.
We cannot tell you what you do not know,
we cannot flatter you with
what we do not understand,  
we cannot say what you have not given us
the power to utter.
But in the mystery of your kindness,
sometimes we feel summoned
and sometimes we stumble
into that holy ground
where earth vibrates with heaven,
and the hardest heart softens
and the most resistant will bends,
and the soul long dumb or dormant cries glory.
Lord meet us here;
for we gather in your name
and claim Jesus’ presence
whose prayer is known in every mother tongue:

The Lord’s Prayer
Words and Music: Our Father in Heaven, Barnabas Mam (Cambodia) © 2004 General Board of Global Ministries.


Sung Prayer for Illumination – Send Out Your Light, Lord   Psalms for All Seasons 43C

 Psalm 113

Song of Mary – Holy Is Your Name   Psalms for All Seasons p.1020

Sermon – “Stubborn Praise”

Song – Neither Death, Nor Life
Words: Marty Haugen, based on Romans 8:38-39
Music: Marty Haugen © 2001 GIA Publications, Inc.


Prayer refrain: God of Justice, show yourself.

Song – In Christ We Live
Words and Music: John L. Bell © 2011, Wild Goose Resource Group, The Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc.

Call to Discipleship

This is the day that the Lord has made:
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
We will not offer to the Lord
offerings that cost us nothing.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
We will go where Christ calls us. 

Sung Blessing – Psalm 134  Psalms for All Seasons 134A

Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Words: Thomas Ken, 1709; tr.— P: adapt. Sarah Poulton Kalley, 1861; P tr. © copyright da Imprensa Metodista
Music (GENEVAN 134/OLD HUNDRETH): Louis Bourgeois, 1551, Public Domain

Program Notes

Anne Zaki, preacher
John L. Bell, liturgist
Julie Start Fletcher, dancer, with several of her students
Psalm Project musicians: 

Miranda DeVlieger, Suzanne VanderVelde, Arien Vink, vocals
Luca Genta, cello and melody instruments
Wilkn De Vlieger, percussion
Arend Jansen, guitar
Eelco Vos, keyboard

  • All readings come from Sweet Honey and Hard Places by John Bell from GIA Publications, Inc. Item # G-6788.
  • Neither Death, Nor Life: An anthem that covers more verses of Romans 8 is available from GIA, G-5650.
  • See also “Songs for the Season” in Reformed Worship 86, available online at
  • In Christ We Live: An anthem for SATB voices and keyboard with C instrument is available from GIA, G-8018.
  • Psalm 134 (the sung blessing): Included in the Psalm Project recording Psalms Unplugged; available at

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