Updated on
June 17, 2024
Video length
1 min
In this final worship service, Jared Alcantara will preach on Ezekiel 47, “A Trickle of Ever-Growing Hope.” As we dwell with these images of hope after a hard time, we will be led by Calvin University choirs directed by Pearl Shangkuan. Organist David Cherwien will participate as well.

Order of Worship


Choral Introit: “Comfort, Comfort Now My People” with Psalm 42
Text: Psalter Hymnal © 1987 Faith Alive Christian Resources; Johannes G. Olearius, tr. Catherine Winkworth, P.D.
Music (FREU DICH SEHR/GENEVAN 42): Louis Bourgeois, harm. Johann Cruger, P.D.; arr. David M. Cherwien © 2023 David M. Cherwien
All rights reserved. Used by permission of David M. Cherwien and under OneLiscense.net A-703303.  

Call to Worship  

Based on Lamentations 3

Song: “O God Beyond All Praising”
Text: Michael Perry © 1982, 1987 Hope Publishing Company
Music (THAXTED): Gustav Holst, arr. Richard Proulx © 1988 GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. OneLicense.net A-703303. 

Call to Lament and Confession:

Sung Prayer of Lament and Confession: “In Deepest Night”
Text: Susan Palo Cherwien © 1995 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress
Music (ROSE MARY): David Schwoebel © 2010; arr. Mark Edwards © 2019 Celebrating Grace Music, a division of Celebrating Grace, Inc.
All rights reserved. OneLicense.net A-703303. Used by permission. CCLI #400063.

Assurance of Pardon 

From Isaiah 43

Song of Response: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Text: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1923, © 1923, ren. 1951 Hope Publishing Company
Music (FAITHFULNESS): William M. Runyan, 1923, © 1923, ren. 1951 Hope Publishing Company
Used by permission. CCLI #400063. 

Sung Prayer for Illumination: “Lord, to Whom Shall We Go”
Text and Music: John 6:68; The Iona Community © 1987, 1995 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent
All rights reserved. OneLicense.net A-703303. 

Scripture: Ezekiel 47 


Prayer of Application

Choral Response: “Jesus Cristo, esperança do mundo / Jesus Christ, Hope of the World”
Text: Portuguese text by Silvio Meincke © 1982 Silvio Meicke; Spanish and English translations by Pablo D. Sosa © 1988 GIA Publications, Inc.
Music (ESPERANZA DEL MUNDO): Edmundo Reinhardt and João Gottinari © 1982 Edmundo Reinhardt and João Gottinari; arr. Greg Scheer © 2022 GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission under OneLicense.net A-703303.

Prayers of the People

Choral Prayer: “Peace Prayer of St. Francis”
Text: Belle prière à faire pendant la Messe, P.D.; adapt. Peter Latona © 2016 Birnamwood
Music: Peter Latona © 2016 Birnamwood
All rights reserved. Used by permission under OneLicense.net A-703303.

Parting Blessing (in multiple languages) 

2 Corinthians 13:13

Closing Song: “The Lord Bless You and Keep You”
Text: Numbers 6:24-26
Music (BENEDICTION): Peter Christian Lutkin, P.D. 

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