Published on
February 12, 2021
Video length
1 min
Carlos Colón demonstrates and talks about three songs for Lent, as part of the series "Songs from the hymnal / Cantos del himnario Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.'"

This series contains songs that can all be found in the hymnal, Santo, santo, santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God (GIA Publications, Inc., 2019). Carlos Colón served as a consultant, translator, and arranger for this hymnal. The following three songs are songs for Lent.

Learn more about Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.


1. "Forty Days and Forty Nights / Por cuarenta días"

Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God # 116

Text: George H. Smyttan; tr. Georgina Pando-Connolly © 2012 GIA Publications, Inc.
Tune: HEINLEIN; attr. Martin Herbst, Nürnbergisches Gesangbuch, 1676
All rights reserved. Used by permission.


2. "Si fui motivo de dolor / If I Have Been the Source of Pain"

Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God # 134

Text: Sara Menéndez de Hall, alt., based on the text of C. Maude Battersby; English tr. Janet W. May © 1992 The Pilgrim Press
Tune: Pablo D. Sosa © 1988 GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.


3. "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me / Conmigo vaya mi buen Jesús"

Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God # 135

Text: African American spiritual; tr. Oscar L. Rodríguez ©
Tune: African American spiritual
Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

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