Published on
March 12, 2019
2019 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Vesper


Salvation Belongs to the Lord: The Story of Jonah

Led by Western Theological Seminary


Song of Invocation: "The Lord Be With You"

One: Come to us today, O God.
All:   Come to us with Light.
         Speak to us today, O God.
         Speak to us your truth.
         Dwell with us today, O God.
         Dwell with us in love.
         Renew us today, O God.
         Renew us by your Holy Spirit.

Sung Response: "The Lord Be With You"

Song of Praise—“Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”


Prayer for Illumination: “Listen to the Word”

Salvation Belongs to the Lord: The Story of Jonah

“ ‘El Chanun”

Ninevah’s Violence and Jonah’s Flight

“Prayer: Out of the Depths”

Ninevah’s Repentence and Jonah’s Flight

“ ‘El Chanun”


Prayers of the People

One: We lift this prayer to the Lord.
All:   Lord, hear our prayer.

One: We lift this praise to the Lord.
All:   Thanks be to God.

Sung refrain: “Prayer: Out of the Depths”


Closing Sentences

One: God of love,
         as in Jesus Christ you gave yourself to us,
         so may we give ourselves to you,
         living according to your holy will.

         Light our lamps with love
All:    that Christ may shine in us.
         Make our mouths speak your story,
         that Christ may be known through us.
         Keep our feet firmly in the Way,
         that Christ may walk with us.
         And fill us with the Holy Spirit
         that we may know Christ’s peace.

Song of Blessing: “ ‘El Chanun”


One: May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace,
         through the power of the Holy Spirit.

All:   Amen.
         Bless the Lord.
         The Lord’s name be praised.
         Go in peace.

Recent Media Resources

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