Published on
December 22, 2020
This song based on Psalm 9 was submitted by Joel Jupp, who wrote and recorded the song, and it expresses our reliance upon the Lord’s sovereignty in the midst of uncertainty.
Psalm 9

How does this psalm piece interpret the psalm?
We live in difficult times marked by fear and uncertainty as we face countless struggles in our homes, churches, and communities. For many of us, life seems harder now than ever. Often it feels like the ground underneath us is shaking.   

The song “Trust in You” interprets and applies the words of Psalm 9:711, which speak of the Lord’s sovereignty over creation. It is worth noting that the image of the Lord’s throne recurs throughout the psalms. For example, the assurance of God’s sovereignty (specifically, God’s “throne”) is repeated in Psalms 45, 89, 93, and elsewhere.  

Because this theme recurs throughout Psalms, this song gathers consolation from the many psalms that speak of God’s sovereignty. Verse 1 reminds that sovereignty is not a distant theological concept, but a reality that should inspire us to worship. Verse 2 depicts the expanse of creation to remind us, as Colossians 1 does, that there’s nothing outside of God’s control. The chorus speaks of our confidence in the Lord, who remains faithful even when everything around us feels unstable. 

The song was composed during a time of discouragement, while one of the songwriter’s friends underwent brain surgery. In the years after, many other personal difficulties followed, ranging from unemployment to ovarian cancer. Yet through all of life’s sorrows and disappointments, the words of this song continue to comfort. While the words are simple and straightforward, during life’s greatest difficulties simple truths can bring untold comfort.  

The song feels more relevant now than ever as we face immense health and economic crises around the globe. The hope is that this song will comfort listeners and guide believers to our ultimate source of hope: our sovereign Lord.  

This song can be used in congregational worship to express trust in the Lord. It is especially fitting in a congregational setting after a scripture reading, a sermon about struggles, or hearing difficult news. 

Text and Music: Psalm 9; Joel Jupp, © Joel Jupp  
Used by permission.  

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