Explore Publications

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Worship with Gladness: Understanding Worship from the Heart

In this invitingly written, deeply joyful book, Joyce Ann Zimmerman makes Scripture her foundation as she explores the meaning and purpose of authentic Christian worship today.

Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World

Based on the document "Worshiping the Triune God," a collection of proverbs on worship adopted by the World Communion of Reformed Churches, this book and study guide offers a global perspective on how and why we worship.

By the Vision of Another World: Worship in American History

By the Vision of Another World by James D. Bratt [ed.] samples the rich variety of worship practices in American history to show how worship can be a fruitful subject for historians to study and, alternatively, how past case studies can enrich our understanding of worship today.

Leading through the Water

In Leading through the Water, Paul Galbreath demonstrates one way of linking baptismal practice to daily life as congregations provide an alternative witness to the cultural voices around us. At the same time, it expands the vision of baptism from a single occasion to a distinctive way of life within a community of faith and a primary metaphor for Christian discipleship.

Resonant Witness: Conversations between Music and Theology

Resonant Witness gathers together a wide, harmonious chorus of voices from across the musical and theological spectrum to show that music and theology can each learn much from the other and that the majesty and power of both are profoundly amplified when they do.

We Have Seen His Glory: A Vision of Kingdom Worship

A book contending that Christian worship cannot be a matter of merely continuing ancient practices; instead, we must be preparing for worship in the Kingdom of God when it comes on earth.

Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation

Smith reshapes the very project of Christian education, focusing around the themes of liturgy, formation, and desire. The author contends--as did Augustine--that human beings are "desiring agents"; in other words, we are what we love.

God Against Religion

A work of theology that takes worship as its basic framework, considering worship as the occasion of not only an approach toward God in piety but also a separation from God in sin.

Leading From the Table

Developing leadership skills that connect the congregations eucharistic practice to the life and work of the church is essential to moving toward unity throughout the church. This book is not a how-to manual on presiding techniques but a series of reflections about the way the prayer at the communion table provides a pattern for our lives.