Published on
June 6, 2004
A biography of watercolor painter Susan Woodhouse.

Featured Artist

I was born by the sea in Scotland and now reside in Bright’s Grove, Ontario, Canada, on the shores of Lake Huron. I have always lived by water and it seems natural that my medium is watercolour. My husband and I have three daughters and a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever who loves to explore with us on the beach.

I began painting when I was diagnosed with a serious illness as a way to cope with stress and as a way to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). As my style developed I moved from painting images that were pictures of reality, to images that reflected my vision of a biblical passage (Holy Ground: Exodus 3:5, Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 18). Now my paintings tend to express concepts of faith and reflections of God’s glory (Teardrop of Nativity, Exodus, God’s Gifts, Humbled, Koinonia). They are more like poetry than literature.

Discerning a call to ordered ministry, and answering that call, has provided me with an opportunity to use my art in a variety of ways. I have been blessed by being involved in a project, GraceWorks, which is exploring the dynamic between worship, art, and culture. This project is funded by a Calvin Worship Renewal Grant. Here I can truly see how artists can communicate God’s Word for people who may never have engaged scripture before. For those that are familiar with the Christian story artwork explores scripture in new and exciting ways that enables a deepening of our relationship with God.

The creation of Christian art is worship. It is a response to the grace of the Triune God (Marva Dawn, How Shall We Worship, pg. xi). As the water and colour mix on the paper, I imagine God’s Spirit flowing, bringing colour and life to all who hear His Word and inviting all to be a part of His masterpiece. My response is to offer my art and life with the hope that, with the power of the Holy Spirit, the body of Christ is built up with joy, praise and thanksgiving.