Published on
June 1, 2005
A sample prayer in written response to Hurricane Katrina, to be adapted or used for reflection.

Merciful God, we come before you with grateful but broken hearts. We have seen the immense power of the Hurricane Katrina, but we praise you because you are stronger. We have seen the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, but we praise you because you graciously provide for each of our needs. We thank you for protecting the many people who have survived the hurricane, and we thank you for the people who are sharing their time and resources to help those whose lives have forever been changed.

God of Grace, we grieve with those who have lost loved ones in the hurricane and those who are still searching for friends and family amid the debris. May they feel your comfort and peace. Great Physician, grant healing to those who were injured in the hurricane or its aftermath. Give strength and endurance to those who are still waiting to be rescued. Protect the many people who are living in the flooded areas from disease or injury as they attempt to recover from this disaster.

Lord, we pray for those who have been displaced by the hurricane. As you have taught us to pray, we ask for daily needs. Supply food and clean water to those living in the path of Katrina. Also, protect them as tempers and patience gets short. May their lives and belongings be safe from looters and gangs fights. For those whose homes have been destroyed, Lord, give them comfort and hope. Provide people and resources to house these people today but also to rebuild their homes in the future.

As our country continues to struggle with the aftermath of the hurricane, we pray for a sense of security. Help us to know that you are in control of our lives. May this serve as a comfort as we hear about and experience the struggles of the uncertainty of our world. Guide the leaders of our nation so that they may make wise decisions that best provide for a healthy economy and the food, fuel, and resources we need to live.

In the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.

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