Published on
June 27, 2011
These congregational resources are provided as many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process of returning home for military veterans.

As many military veterans return from warfare with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process. These websites are provided to enable the church and families to be more alert to the needs of veterans and to understand how to help.

Sampling of media coverage

Sampling of denomination-based resources

  • Chaplaincy Ministries: Resources for Ministry to Soldiers and their Families, Christian Reformed Church
  • Home Support Team” (or “H.O.S.T.”), the Office of the Bishop Suffragan for Chaplaincies of the Episcopal Church to lead our church’s response to the growing number of persons impacted when a loved one is deployed in harm’s way and when he or she returns.
  • The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
    Operation Barnabas’ looks to support those back from war

Learn More about PTSD

  • “Information Paper for Normalization of Experiences. (Available from the Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Chaplains, 2700 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-2700).

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