Published on
July 12, 2011
These prayer requests are provided as many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process of returning home for military veterans.

As many military veterans return from warfare with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), many voices are calling for the church to be a significant partner in the complex readjustment process. These materials are provided to enable the church and families to be more alert to the needs of veterans and to understand how to help.


For those who have been injured
For those who are healing from physical or psychological wounds
For those who have witnessed devastation and death
For those who have lost friends
For those whose memories affect their daily lives
For those who struggle with anger, anxiety, mood swings, or depression
For those who are frustrated by trying to readjust to civilian life
For those who need to reestablish family roles
For changes in marriages and relationships with children
For flexibility in negotiating changing roles in relationships
For the ability to communicate
For those who have discomfort being around other people
For those who feel misunderstood by friends and loved ones
For those who feel like they have missed significant events in life and cannot catch up
For those who have problems sleeping
For those who have trouble keeping a job
For those who feel left out or like they are no longer needed
For those who feel stressed or overwhelmed
For those who feel guilty
For those who have lost motivation or interest in life
For those who feel emotionally numb
For those having problems concentrating
For those having flashbacks

For the enormous relief of a safe return
For those disappointed if the returning veteran is different from how they imagined
For the changing roles in relationships with the returning vet
For those who feel underappreciated
For those who feel no longer needed
For those caring for a wounded veteran
For communication and flexibility
For patience
For balancing time with the returning veteran and allowing him/her alone time or time with others
For the additional stress from watching the pain of a veteran
For those who worry about the redeployment of a loved one
For young children of veterans who may not remember their parent well
For older children who may not fully understand and worry about being left again
For wisdom to parent children of returning veterans well

Those Currently Serving
For physical safety
For those worried about the uncertainties of war
For wisdom to make good decisions in combat
For courage in the face of danger
For compassion for fellow soldiers and civilians
For comfort in distress
For hope and strength

Families left behind
For those who must take on new responsibilities
For those who feel alone or abandoned
For those who worry about the safety of their loved ones
For those who eagerly wait for a phone call or email
For those who must parent alone
For those who miss their mom or dad

Families of those who have died
For those who constantly miss a lost loved one
For those dealing with feelings of anger, jealousy or guilt
For hope and strength for coming days

For an awareness of needs and a willingness to meet them
For understanding and openness
For providing space for brokenness
For becoming a community that supports the families of soldiers and veterans
For creating a place for those with PTSD to share experiences and find hope
For a willingness to listen and pray
For discerning the balance of giving support and allowing veterans and their families space to heal
For those who will support veterans and their families rebuild marriages, reacquaint families, and renegotiate life

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