Published on
October 28, 2010
The Pastoral Musician will be an accomplished musician and a dedicated Christian; one who maintains a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who encourages spiritual growth in the persons she/he works with and serves. The Pastoral Musician must also have an appreciation for the Reformed faith.


This person is to assist the church in bringing glory to God through music, both vocal and instrumental, by encouraging a diversity of musical expression that matches the diversity of our congregation. The goal of such music ministry leadership is to identify and develop the many resources within the congregation and help the membership to minister to God and to each other as well as to persons outside our membership.

Responsibilities of Pastoral Musician

To be responsible for discerning the musically gifted and interested and be able to recruit and equip those persons for the ministry of music.

To provide musical leadership for public worship. She/he shall be responsible for and direct a graded choir program inclusive of all ages, young children through adult. Enhancement of congregational singing is a larger goal since the congregation is the real and greatest choir.

To work on a short term basis with small groups of vocalists and instrumentalists for occasional ministry in worship services, as well as give direction to soloists and ensembles. Skills in arranging are desirable.

To oversee the administrative duties of the music ministry, working closely with the pastor, the Worship Committee, the organist, secretary, and other personnel in the music ministry, both paid and volunteer.

To maintain the music library.

To assist with creation of weekly liturgies and discern how to recruit and equip individuals for leadership in worship, also involving people in non-musical roles.

To participate from time to time in the education ministry of the church, teaching and encouraging an appreciation of hymnology and music in the life and ministry of the church.

Within the context of a well-planned worship service, the Pastoral Musician is to provide the kind of balanced, sensitive leadership that maximizes the flow of worship. A worship service should be like a seamless tapestry from beginning to end with each aspect of the service complementing the proclamation of the Word of God.

To participate in the general pastoral care of the congregation as she/he is called upon by the pastor, and especially by way of integrating the ministry of music into such care.

To develop a relational ministry with those involved in the music program such that the Pastoral Musician is known as a friend and one in whom members can confide.

To work continually on developing and improving her/his own personal skills for use in ministry so that worship ministry can grow in this congregation. Participation in workshops, conferences, seminars, etc. is encouraged and expected.