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February 7, 2020
2020 Symposium on Worship | Festival

Welcome and Opening Prayer


Psalm 24 reading with refrain "We Long to See You"

Psalm 104: "Rejoice In All Your Works"


Psalm 69: "Draw Near"

We lament our personal pain and the brokenness in our families, identifying with Jesus, the Man of Sorrows.

Psalm 82: “The Hand of God”

We lament the injustice of our world. In Psalm 82, God speaks to the rulers, authorities, and judges of the world.
“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” God asks. And because of their failure to use
power to protect the powerless, God promises their eventual destruction.

Psalm 83: “O God Do Not Be Silent”

We lament the violence, terrorism, and destruction that mark our age and cast shadows over our lives.

Psalm 130 reading with refrain “We Cry From the Depths”

We cry from the depths and wait for you;
We wait in hope for the Lord! (Repeat)


Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me”

Jesus speaks into our lament.

Psalm 46 reading with refrain “Be Still”

Be still, slow down.  
Breathe in, breathe out
And know that I am God.

Psalm 37: “The Day of the Lord”

God promises the restoration of all things.

Psalm 32: "Then At Last"

God offers forgiveness and healing to all who repent and turn to him.

Psalm 27: "The Lord Is My Light"


Psalm 67 reading with refrain “May Our God Be Known”

Psalm 133: "See How Good It Is"

God is building the new heavens and new earth from the broken pieces of our lives, making us his priests, healing the
human family by Christ’s love through us.

See how good it is gathering with friends;
Welcoming the stranger in.
See how good it is.

When God's children live as one 

By the Spirit we become  
The open arms of God
To a world in need of love. (Repeat)

Sad divisions cease
we're ordained as priests,  
Spreading out God's joyful feast.
See how good it is.  

See the earth renewed
By the morning dew.  
All creation sings the truth: 
"See how good it is!" 

Psalm 107: "Oh Give Thanks"

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