Past Event

Event Details

On October 31, 2016, Pope Francis gathered with leaders of the Lutheran World Federation to observe the 499th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, with a service of Common Prayer shared at the Lund Cathedral in Sweden.  Luther’s act is remembered as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. 

On Reformation Sunday, October 29, 2017, the Grand Rapids area community will share that same Common Prayer service at the Cathedral of St. Andrew with Catholic Bishop David John Walkowiak joined by Lutheran Bishop Craig Alan Satterlee in an ecumenical observance of all that binds us as 21st century people of faith.  The Diocesan Choir will be joined by choir members from Grand Rapids area Lutheran churches and others in a shared worship observance that will include homilies offered by both bishops.  The greater Grand Rapids area community is welcome to share in this historical worship gathering.

See these additional Reformation commemorative events in Grand Rapids.

See additional Reformation commemoration resources.