Past Event

Event Details

Join Calvin University choir students for a service of lessons and carols on the theme of "For God So Loved the Cosmos . . ."

View the service outline.

Livestream of the 3:00 pm (EST) service on Dec. 4, 2022 (watch on YouTube if you want to join the chat):

Livestream of the 6:00 pm EST service on Dec. 4, 2022 (watch on YouTube if you want to join the chat):

The Old Testament unfolds the cosmic nature of God’s promised redemption “far as the curse is found.” Looking ahead to the advent of Messiah, the Prophets foretold not only the forgiveness of sin and the healing of individual trauma that the Messiah would bring about, but also the healing of the nations, indeed the healing of all creation.

Reflecting back on the coming of Messiah, Paul not only testified that it was in Jesus Christ that all things were created, but also that in Jesus Christ, God was at work to “reconcile to himself all things.” (Col. 1:15). “Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist,” and then added “and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” (I Cor 8:6).

For centuries poets and musicians have evoked this all-of-creation vision memorably during Advent and Christmastide, gracing us with texts and melodies and rhythms which celebrate trees clapping their hands, fish jumping for joy, stars declaring their maker’s praise, and animals gathered around the manger.

You are invited to hear some of these texts at this year's service of lessons and carols, sung by the Calvin University choirs.

You have two opportunities to attend this year's Lessons and Carols on Dec. 4: one service will be held at 3:00 PM and another at 6:00 PM, both at LaGrave Avenue CRC in Grand Rapids, MI. Both services will also be livestreamed. Find links to the livestreams and an outline of the program here