Published on
April 14, 2011
A list of songs to shape the Easter season.

Across the Lands - Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Agnus Dei  (Alleluia) - Michael W. Smith
Alabaré – Spanish folk song
Alleluia - Jacques Berthier
Alleluia/Aleluya - John L. Bell 

Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord – Donald Fishel
Alleluia, Alleluia, Hearts to Heaven – Christopher Wordsworth
Alleluia He is Coming – Martha Butler
Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen - Herbert F. Brokering
Amazing Love/You Are My King – Billy Foote
And Can It Be – Charles Wesley
Because He Lives - Gloria Gaither, William Gaither
Baptized in Water - Michael Saward

Before the Throne of God Above – Charitie Lee Bancroft

Behold the Lamb of God - Mary Nelson Keithahn
Celtic Alleluia – Fintan O’Carroll

Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia/Mfurahini, haleluya - Howard S. Olson
Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing - Brian A. Wren 
Christ Is Risen/Cristo Vive - Nicolas Martinez, tr. Fred Kaan
Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna - Brian Wren 
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today – Charles Wesley

Come to Us, Beloved Stranger – Edith Sinclair Downing
Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain - John of Damascus
Crown Him with Many Crowns - Matthew Bridge
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble – Martin Smith
Give Thanks to God for All His Goodness - Stanley Wiersma 
Good Christians All Rejoice and Sing – Cyril A. Alington|

Halle, Halle, Hallelujah – Marty Haugen
Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory – Jeffrey LaValley
He Is Exalted – Twila Paris
He Is King of Kings - adapt. Melva W. Costen 
He Is Lord - anonymous
He Reigns – Peter  Furler, Steve Taylor
Healer of Our Every Ill – Marty Haugen
Holy and Anointed One – John Barnett
How Great Thou Art – Stuart K. Hine
I Believe In Jesus – Marc Nelson
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever  - Martin Smith
I Know that My Redeemer Lives - Samuel Medley
I Serve a Risen Savior – Alfred H. Ackley
I Will Exalt My God (Te Exaltaré) – Psalm 145, Spanish
I Will Sing of My Redeemer – Philip P. Bliss
I Will Sing Unto the Lord
In Christ Alone – Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Knowing You – Graham Kendrick
Lamb of Glory – Dennis Jernigan
Lift Up Your Hearts/Sing Alleluia – Linda Stassen, early Christian liturgy
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High – Rick Founds
Lord Most High –Dan Harris, Gary Sadler

Low in the Grave He Lay - Robert Lowry 
Morning Sun – James Ward
Mourning Into Dancing – Tommy Walker
Now the Green Blade Rises - J.M.C. Crum
Oh How Good (Oh, Qué Bueno) – Puerto Rican folk hymn
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High – Thomas a Kempis
O Sons and Daughters  - early 16th century
Oh, to See the Dawn - Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Our God Reigns – Leonard E. Smith
Praise the Lord, the Day Is Won - Michael Morgan
Praise the Savior Now and Ever – 6thcentury
Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord – Cameroon processional
Refuge and Rock - Martin Leckebusch
Rejoice the Lord Is King – Charles Wesley

Rejoice—Israel Houghton
See What a Morning – Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Sing a New Song Unto the Lord – Dan Schutte
Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem – 11th century
The First Place – Matthew Westerhold
The Power of the Cross - Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
The Strife is O’er – 17th century
There Is a Redeemer  - Melody Green
Thine Is the Glory – Edmond Budry
This is the Day – John W. Peterson
This Joyful Eastertide – George R. Woodward
Up from the Grave Christ Arose – Robert Lowry
We Know that Christ Is Raised - John B. Geyer
We Proclaim – Randy Wright
We Will Glorify – Twila Paris
When I Think about the Lord – James Huey
You Are My All in All – Dennis Jernigan

Check out more Easter resources.