Published on
October 28, 2010
The Worship Director should be fully devoted to God and to the church of Jesus Christ and be committed to expressing that devotion through heart-felt worship consistent with the Evangelical and Reformed tradition.

The Person

The Worship Director will be committed to a blended/convergence worship style that is creative, visionary, flexible and diverse.

The Worship Director will have spiritual gifts in the areas of shepherding, community building, encouragement, faith and humility. He or she should be gifted in people management skills, a good listener, motivational and willing to work as a team player.

The Worship Director will be concerned with the spiritual welfare of worship leaders and desire to serve and bless them.

The Worship Director will have training and experience in worship planning and have solid music skills including keyboard abilities. He or she will have the ability to direct, produce, and arrange as needed.

The Task

The Worship Director is responsible for planning and coordinating the worship ministry of the church with particular emphasis on liturgy and music. The Worship Director will work closely with the teaching pastor to develop services that support and enhance the message of the day.

The Worship Director will offer servant leadership in the music ministry of the church, focusing initially on the adult choir and weekly vocal music teams.

The Worship Director will foster the development of ensemble groups, youth choir, children's choir, and youth and/or adult instrumental groups.

The Worship Director will also encourage the use within worship of the artistic gifts (music, drama, dance, writing, vocal & instrumental, space, etc.) of individual members of the community.

The Worship Director's responsibilities may but do not necessarily include such tasks as piano/organ accompaniment, adult/youth/children's choir director, instrumental director or vocalist.

The Worship Director will however have a significant understanding of worship, music & liturgy in order to supervise and direct the ministry of the church in these areas.