Published on
October 28, 2010
The Purpose of a director of music and worship arts is to equip and shepherd our musicians and worship arts leaders, and with the pastors, to guide and support the worship planning process. The ultimate goal is to support the vision of our church through the worship experience at each individual service.

Purpose: To equip and shepherd our musicians and worship arts leaders, and with the pastors, to guide and support the worship planning process. The ultimate goal is to support the vision of our church through the worship experience at each individual service.

Our vision in all worship services is to

Celebrate God's reconciling love

Reach out to those who do not know God's love in the context of a community being transformed by God's Spirit

Position Responsibilities

The general responsibilities of the Director of Music and Worship Arts are to oversee the incorporation of music, drama, dance, and visual arts in the traditional and contemporary styles of corporate worship of this church. Music is elevated in the position title because of its naturally broader role and higher profile in our typical worship settings. As growing elements of worship, the various other art forms are to be drawn into worship in a complementary and edifying manner in order to offer a fuller experience of worshiping the Lord. The position reports to the senior pastor.

The specific responsibilities may be divided into four major areas as follows:


In consultation with the pastors and the elders, capture a vision and philosophy of utilizing music and arts in worship that is congruent with being a Reformed, Christian congregation.
Articulate and implement that vision and philosophy of worship with and through other staff and volunteers who participate in implementing worship services for the church.
Develop a long-range worship plan in collaboration with the senior pastor.
Establish standards for worship activities.


Guide and oversee, with the pastors, the worship planning process.
Oversee choir director, organist, music planners, sound coordinator, project coordinator and nave décor coordinator.
Work with youth directors (Director of Children’s Ministries and Director of Teen Ministries) to create a worship culture and worship leader opportunities in which children may participate.
Oversee copyright compliance by church administrative personnel.
Oversee music resource maintenance by various music and administrative personnel.


Incorporate the arts into our worship services where appropriate, by stimulating and encouraging drama, dance and visual arts personnel.
Maintain accountability for the worship philosophy and vision of each service by providing prayer support, credible feedback and mentoring, where needed, to worship/music planners.
Assist in identifying people and other resources for worship arts.
Identify and attend with others, as appropriate, seminars and conferences on worship leadership.
Establish standards for worship activities and oversee evaluation against those standards to identify progress in achieving the vision.
Identify, encourage and integrate worshipers’ musical gifts into worship and special event services.
Maintain a ministry of encouragement to all who offer themselves in the various forms of art or in support of our worship services.

Direct Involvement

Assume normal worship planning responsibility for one traditional service and one contemporary service each month.
Develop and plan major festive worship events.
Assist in planning, as desired, various worship arts events or special services that may fulfill our vision (Praise Night, Jazz event, Christian Theater, Holy Week devotions, Sunday evening music services, etc.).
Attend staff meetings (weekly), Worship Team meetings (monthly), 8:45 a.m. service planner meetings (monthly), and 11:15 a.m. service planner meetings (monthly).

Characteristics and Qualifications

Love the Lord Jesus.
Have a passion for worship and a vibrant prayer life.
Be familiar with and supportive of all worship styles, and be acquainted with a wide body of music worship literature.
Possess a vision for worship and the ability to express that vision.
Have pastoral sense for mentoring and developing worship leadership and gifts in others.
Demonstrate leadership and proficiency in the music ministry.
Be knowledgeable in the use of worship arts and how they may be applied to our vision.
Be or become a member of this denomination and our church.