
2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship | Workshop

El Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez dirije un taller enfocado en la estrategia omilética y metodolodía para la predicación. Como líder de la Iglesia Luterana y especialista en teología sistemática, el Dr. Sánchez ofrece percepciones interesantes de la predicación con un enfoque hispano.

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Recent Media Resources

Music and Prayer in Worship

Music and prayer are prominent elements in worship liturgy. How does the culture of the worship community influence these worship practices? How should we engage culture and yet be countercultural in our practice of music and prayer? Engage with this panel from four continents as we explore how cultural values form and inform worship practices.

June 30, 2024
Nurturing Children through Intergenerational Worship and Prayer

Congregations, pastors, and parents/caregivers have many opportunities to join together in worship and prayer practices that more intentionally engage children and help them come to know and love God and grow in faith together. Panelists will discuss ways to intentionally create intergenerational community in which people of all ages, including children, are welcomed as full participants whose participation enriches the community and gives praise to God.

June 30, 2024