Published on
June 1, 2004
A survey sent out to churches in order to gain a window into the generations in preparation for the Reformed Worship theme issue on intergenerational worship.

Understanding the Generations Survey
This survey was sent out to a number of churches in order to gain a window into the generations in preparation for the Reformed Worship theme issue (RW 76) on intergenerational worship. Though the results of this survey are anecdotal, we hope they will serve as conversation starters. Consider sending out a similar survey to your congregation.

Understanding the Generations Survey

Please note: responses are unedited.

1. What part of your church's worship service/liturgy do you find most meaningful and why? (i.e. greeting, confession, scripture reading, pastoral prayer etc.)


G.I. (before 1925) ages 80+

  • Communion, Fellowship
  • sermon, communion
  • sermon, singing, pastoral prayer, creeds, ten commandments, catechism preaching: found them to be important helps and affirmations of belief, spiritual growth.
  • scripture reading, pastoral prayer: "Thy Word I've hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee"

Silents (1926-1939) 66-79

  • prayer communicates with God the Father and brings closer to the one we love and who supplies us for all our needs, thanking him for amazing grace, for the giving of his son who died for our sins and the holy spirit. The asking forgiveness for my sins and comfort of knowing He is always listens and is with us. Praise to God the father, the son, and the HS.
  • Greeting and sermon
  • the message in word and music, also prayer
  • enthusiastic singing and delightful musical presentations, sermons which give application for today's living, greeters who truly make one feel that they are glad to see you and welcome you to worship
  • The sermon: in the reformed tradition, that's regarded as the most important part of worship. Years and years of programming have made me this way!
  • hymns/worship songs, sermon, communion
  • greeting, hymn/worship songs, prayer of confession, the peace, sermon, communion, fellowship

War Babies (1940-1945) 60-65

  • hymns, assurance of grace, scripture reading, sermon, communion
  • greeting, prayer of confession, assurance, peace, sermon, communion, Lord's Prayer, charge and blessing
  • There are people in our church who gather together to pray before our morning worship service begins. It is a time to praise God for his greatness and his compassion for us, to bring our concerns to him, to pray for one another, and to pray for whatever else is on our hearts. We experience joy, peace, and reliance on the Lord for his blessing as we anticipate the corporate worship service with our church family. The prelude and gathering songs focus our hearts and minds in the solid hymns from the past that have stood the test of time. The worship team prayerfully puts the service together. The most meaningful part of the service is the sermon. We want to be enlightened on a portion of scripture that will impact our lives as we live in our community and are concerned for people around the world.


Leading Edge (1946-1954) 51-59

  • greeting and prayer time are special to me
  • I find the worship/songs very moving. The pastor's sermon is very meaningful because it explains scripture and teaches me so much of God's Word and will. The songs allow me to express my love for God.
  • the music inspires me to think and pray about what God has done and how wonderful he is
  • all of worship and liturgy are meaningful to me, confession, scripture, prayer all are dependent and inter-related
  • Preparation for worship, hymns/worship songs, assurance of grace, scripture reading, prayers of the church, communion, Lord's Prayer
  • communion/fellowship
  • hymns/worship songs, sermon, communion
  • sermon
  • sermon

Trailing Edge (1955-1964) 41-50

  • congregational singing, sermon
  • scripture reading: the study of the bible brings you closer to God the rest is more fellowship which it good but should be secondary
  • pastoral prayer: for me it is a weekly reminder in how I should evaluate where I am at, and what needs to be done to improve in becoming a better Christian day by day. It also makes me stay humble and open minded, excepting what's not easy to digest.
  • Pastoral prayer, scripture reading
  • The sermon because it makes me think and make my own decisions and interprets the bible/scriptures
  • preaching and prayer because its at those times I feel closest to God. Sometimes through music but we need more upbeat music during our worship services.
  • music: versatile and very special; sermons: always given in words that are understood and relate to my everyday life
  • confession: the sermons by the pastors, they always seem to bring a message that I can take away with me. They make it real. Something I can focus on. Its very personal.
  • spiritual songs: music is a wonderful opportunity for all people to have an active participation in worship family time: ditto
  • Prayers of the People: to be able to pray for one another, show support for our family
  • The Word of the Lord: because the pastors are truly vessels of God's word
  • confession: it's a quiet time in which we integrate corporate prayer, personal silence, song, and scripture reading. It represents for me that pivotal spiritual moment of death and resurrection -both Jesus' and mine. I experience the dialogue between God and me during confession.
  • sermon: is always meaningful, too, because it's God's word. As it's based in Scripture and applied to our current lives, it's truth come alive.
  • It's usually the music because, I don't know, it just speaks to me for some reason. I can get lost in it.
  • hymns/worship songs, communion, Lord's Prayer
  • preparation for worship, hymns/worship songs, prayer of confession, scripture reading, sermon, communion
  • scripture passages spoken directly to us, including the invitation and benediction, on top of the message or additional passages. Those feel like God's words directly to me. I also like the few, memorized statements that we all recite together like the Apostles' Creed or the Lord's Prayer. That spans congregations and generations.


Bust (1965-1976) 29-40

  • collection: I'm a deacon
  • I love our communion -being able to meditate during church, which is what's so great about our communion service. There is music being played and you can choose how to take hold of that. I feel like I'm free to be able to worship the way I want. When there's music playing during communion, I can worship through singing, through listening, through reading the Bible. I'm not forced to do one thing.
  • Corporate Prayer: It's meaningful because I feel like I'm part of a larger picture with people -part of the greater body confessing our needs and hopes together.
  • Prayer of confession/Prayers of the church
  • sermon, communion

Boomlet (1977-1983) 22-28

  • Confession is most meaningful in worship service because it allows us to bring forth our burdens to the Lord so that we may receive Him.
  • I think a lot of times it's the "old school traditional" hymns we sing because they speak so concisely about who God is. Those are the most potent for me because they give me the chance to say to God who He is -and to remind me of that.
  • hymns/worship songs, sermon, baptism, communion, Lord's Prayer, fellowship


Gen Ys (1984-1993) 17-21

  • Confession: Before we can come before God's presence we need to first admit our sins and once we have done that we can continue with the rest of the service
  • I find the scripture reading and pastoral prayer to be the most meaningful to me because it really brings out the meaning and the purpose of the service. It connects with the word of the Lord.
  • music: it connects me to God easier
  • I find the prayer of confession the most meaningful because it allows me to ask God for forgiveness and clean my heart so I am open to hear God's word.
  • hymns/worship songs
  • fellowship
  • sermon, fellowship


  • Scripture reading: because you learn a lot from it
  • when the pastor tells a story about regular life and he ties it into what we are learning.
  • music: because its all about rejoicing, calls us closer to God
  • "family times" and prayers of the people: draws the congregation together
  • music/singing because it helps me worship better. I can understand the words: I know what they mean
  • hymns/worship songs
  • hymns/worship songs

Millennials (1994-200X) 0-11

  • The singing because its easier to understand than the sermon
  • Christmas day service had a lot of singing and real worship, different from the world's idea of Christmas.

    2. Can you remember a particularly significant corporate worship experience that moved you spiritually? If so, could you describe it for us?


    G.I. (before 1925) 80+

    • Candlelight service of Christmas 2003
    • this past Christmas eve service with all the congregations worshiping together was most meaningful
    • memory is failing, cannot remember specific experience but know that the total church experience has been priceless. Comforting, joyful, especially the mystery of God's great love for you and me in sending Jesus to provide a way out of our great need for salvation and redemption. Feel that singing "praise songs" has added a new good spiritual dimension to our worship but would like to see the 50% of hymns that we agreed upon used in worship.
    • the "laying on of hands" by the elders and pastors in a healing service
    Silents (1926-1939) 66-79
    • Yes, I was about nine years old when I attended a funeral for the father of my best friend. He was killed in a farm accident. The sermon was based on Revelation 21:3-4. I was impressed and felt a longing to be there with God, no more pain, crying and no more death. I felt sorry for the family. What a wonderful God and heaven.
    • not special event but its been a gradual process
    • I've had worship services that because of the particular timing of the service were especially meaningful. The first worship service or two we spent at our current church struck me as particularly beautiful. And when our current pastor came, I has been so involved in that search that his installation was especially uplifting. Worship during particular seasons, too, such as Christmas -these are usually very memorable.
    • the combined service
    • the first time I heard a message that described the difference between law and grace
    War Babies (1940-1945) 60-65
    • combined service before Christmas was great
    • there were two sermons in the fall of 2003 that affected us profoundly. The text that stood out was Proverbs 3:5,6. We were being prepared to put what we learned from scripture and preaching into action by coming alongside someone for a few months who was gripped by paralyzing fear. We were able to share many things about keeping our mind steadfast in trusting the Lord. Many people in our church family and beyond were praying for us. The outcome of this desperate situation was greatly blessed by God and we were and are humbly grateful. The Lord surely heard and answered the prayers of his people.


    Leading Edge (1946-1954) 51-59
    • When I was in a troubled area of my life the prayers offered up by the pastor for me, not by name but knowing that it was for me
    • Sacraments are especially moving
    • scripture and worship
    • multi-generational, multi-cultural service of Lessons and Carols. Everyone singing in their own language.
    • hymns and worship songs really connect generations and cultures
    Trailing Edge (1955-1964) 41-50
    • I loved our thanksgiving service when members participate in the service and the coming forward to offer our gifts. I think that is especially meaningful. I also love the share and prayer time during the evening service, as members unite in sharing one another's joys and sorrows
    • yes, a mass I attended in the military, the contrast between the Word of God and the men all in battle dress uniforms was moving in a very strange way.
    • Yosemite was a heart opener and spiritual direct experience with the Lord, most amazing way of showing me his greatness and infinite love and grace.
    • praying time at Easter
    • it was when everything (music, confession, prayer) all seemed to work together in glorifying God.
    • In the last three years I can count on one hand the worship experiences that did not move me spiritually. God teaches me and speaks to me through the Holy Spirit at nearly every worship service, sometimes minutely and sometimes momentously.
    • yes, the service about grace
    • Healing Service: laying on of hands and having those we worship with pray for us is very moving. There is a difference than just being on your own
    • It was a Maundy Thursday service. There was a small group of us. We had the service in the annex. It think it was about two years ago. That whole service moved me more than I can possibly explain. I have never felt that close to the Lord in my life. I walked out of there knowing the Lord touched my heart.
    • Foot Washing: it was very difficult to allow someone to wash our feet, it gave a life of its own to foot washing as discussed in the Bible.
    • Healing Service: to pray for those in need with the laying on of hands
    • Two immediately come to mind. One was in a traditional CRC at Christmas; the other was a nondenominational service a couple summers ago. In both services, God seemed especially close because I was in a particularly intense growing time personally; my heart's door was open particularly wide those Sundays. In the Christmas service, I was pregnant with our first child. The story of Christ's birth took on new meaning that morning. In the nondenominational service, I had just moved to a new city . Everything about the worship -music, sermon, prayer, adult baptism -went straight to my heart.
    • A Good Friday service at Midtown. People were so genuine and sang with the music. It wasn't mechanical. Those were college kids there! They wanted to be there! I felt the Lord's presence at that service.
    • Lighthouse skit: powerfully done, poignant. Most of the dramatic skits, even the tableau. Also very impressed when people take risks and come forward with their gifts and offer them to the Lord in view of the congregation. The guys singing at Christmas time who you wouldn't ordinarily expect to see bringing their offering to the altar.


    Bust (1965-1976) 29-40

    • Most communion services, or those that incorporate space for people to repent, reflect, to listen in quiet, letting God seep into the cracks.
    • a recent event -the communion we had . There was an illumination of the meaning of communion. About Christ and not my ability to think rightly about it -it's simply to remember Christ's broken body and spilled blood for me. He used a song that vividly expressed the sentiment in that. That evoked some emotion, which led me to look at Christ and not be so introspective about the matter. It called me out of myself.
    • Yes, a sermon was particularly moving -so much so it got an immediate response and then the prayers of the church fit so well that the sermon/response/prayers seemed seamless. That it was unplanned was even more moving
    • a sermon about needing to take time on the first step. It was (partially) on the song "Blessed Assurance". The first line fits all the way through, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine" . There are days when I sing that and the reminder gets me through the day.
    Boomlet (1977-1983) 22-28
    • A small group of us at All Nations gathered in a circle for holy communion at the front of the sanctuary one evening. We sang in worship to the Lord as we passed around the elements saying to our neighbor, "The body and blood of Christ is given for you." This action formed a union among us, his people that created a very strong burning within me.
    • Yeah, a group confession -a prayer [from the Book of Common Prayer] -it was amazing to hear the whole group confessing, to think that those things we were confessing were probably true for all of us.
    • Yes, moved by the Spirit to come forward and tell a vision God gave me concerning the mission of the church


    Gen Ys (1984-1993) 17-21
    • When our church had a choir and they sang at Christmas it felt like I was in the presence of God and his angels in heaven
    • I cannot remember a particular one but there has been
    • Christmas Ever service, it brought the story and reason to life
    • when I was at my friend's church and we were all singing and praising God and you could see on everyone's face how they felt. Everyone was open and freely expressing their love for God through song.
    • when children show their faith, when speakers directly talk to you on some issues you are facing, when people give testimonies on God's love and grace
    • when three different congregations worship in one church, it was great we were all family in God,
    • Singing Draw me close
    • That time when they had tables set up and you could go from table to table praying about things ant then there was communion. It was at night on Good Friday.
    • Christmas Eve Service: "cozy" environment, everyone is anticipating the coming of Christ together with our congregation and others around the world; the service is full and we enjoy the feeling of being packed in close
    • a recent funeral service-celebration of resurrection. Joyful, the service followed a regular worship service liturgy
    • At Pioneer Camp when I saw kids ages 10-18 just singing and closing their eyes -that was moving to me. And the first time I took communion
    • a Chris Tomlin concert
    • Yes, at a concert when everyone was in the middle of the auditorium with their hands raised.
    Millennials (1994-200X) 0-11
    • no
    • plays or skits, like the one on prayer, where the little boy prayed earnestly.

    3. If you could choose one song to be sung at your funeral what would it be and why would you choose it?


    G.I. (before 1925) 80+
    • Be Not Afraid: because I am not afraid of dying and I get a lot of comfort with that
    • Would want my children to choose because the song would be more relevant to them than to me at this point. I would like any hymn, with organ music that points to Jesus and his love.
    • Blessed Assurance, and the scripture would be 1 Peter 2:1-9
    Silents (1926-1939) 66-79
    • Amazing Grace: this song relates to me, its beyond my comprehension that such a great God would love me so much, that he gave his one and only son to die on a cross for my sins. I deserved that death but he did it for me a hopeless sinner. That is amazing grace, thanks be to God for giving undeserved love.
    • Amazing Grace: I had it sung at my wife's funeral and it has been special ever since.
    • How Great Thou Art: it speaks of the joy we have when God takes us home to be with him, it also speaks of the true greatness of God
    • What a Friend We Have in Jesus: Jesus is our Friend; he knows our needs. If we take all our concerns to him in prayer we will have peace. Perhaps this hymn would encourage others to bring all their cares to Jesus in prayer and to remember that he will never leave us or forsake us.
    • A praise song of some sort -maybe Great Is Thy Faithfulness -because a funeral should be a time of celebration and rejoicing, full of praise to God and his goodness.
    • Blessed Assurance: because I have the assurance that Jesus is mine and I would desire everyone to have that assurance
    • Amazing Grace
    War Babies (1940-1945) 60-65
    • Be Thou My Vision: beautiful tune and words
    • Grace Greater than Our Sin: God is a gracious forgiver of sinners who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. I am so thankful for God's wonderful grace to me and it's my heart's desire for everyone who attends my funeral to know that God's grace is greater than all their sins. They too may experience his forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    • It is Well with My Soul: When you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you have assurance of going to heaven to be with him forever. Romans 8 assures us that "nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord".


    Leading Edge (1946-1954) 51-59
    • Not what my hands have done PsH 389
    • How Great Thou Art: because it has always made me feel close to God
    • There are several songs I would choose to be sung at my funeral. They include Amazing Grace, Yahweh, I Know You Are Near, Surely the Presence of the Lord Is In This Place. I particularly like the Royal Scots Dragoon Guard's Bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace -I am constantly amazed by God's grace and mercy and "Yahweh's hand upon me -even when I fail to recognize it! Surely the Presence: has significant meaning for me here at Church for it is here in my church family that I profoundly feel the presence of the Lord and see "glory" on each face.
    • Ancient Words
    • Blessed Assurance: This has always been a favorite of mine
    • A Mighty Fortress: because the lyrics express so vividly the power of our God and the eternal place he has prepared for us.
    • It would depend on my age at death and who I thought might be present at the service.
      If next year (Initiation into Christ): Holy Manna, What Wondrous Love
      10 years from now (Life Journey): wayfaring stranger
      20 years from now (Parting): Invitation, Angel Band
    Trailing Edge (1955-1964) 41-50
    • When Peace Like a River: because God has proven over and over to me that no matter what situation I find myself in, God is there and his peace rolls over me.
    • I Can Only Imagine: has become a very special song to me. It is hard to imagine what heaven will be like, but this song gives me a glimpse of the joy I will experience when I meet my Savior, creator, and Lord!
    • On Eagles Wings: is a song of hope not sorrow
    • Rescue: as he was the source of life, Jesus comes and rescues us, where else can I go but with him in his glory.
    • Enough: because for me God means the only one and that is enough
    • Amazing Grace: because this song speaks to everyone to remind us of God's great love and grace for us. No matter where a person is in their spiritual walk this song moves them. Also, at my funeral if one person could hear that song and turn and give their heart to God-why that would be awesome.
    • Day by Day: it really describes how I feel about what's important to me in life. And what I want others to think about as they remember me.
    • What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong); Rock-Roll (Led Zepplin): because I had a good life and I find God in the world.
    • I Hope You Dance (country song): talks about giving life all you have
    • Amazing Grace: it describes life
    • Blessed Assurance
    • Crown Him With Many Crowns
    • I've Got Peace Like A River
    • Great Is Thy Faithfulness and Amazing Grace -my two favorite hymns because they tell the whole story, and I've been singing them all my life.
    • Amazing Love (I'm Forgiven Because You Were Forsaken) -I love it -the tune and the words. And I think everyone enjoys singing it, which you'd want at your funeral. It's easy, it's simple, and it's so true.
    • And Can It Be
    • When the Saints God Marching In : soulful, spiritual, up-beat, even jazzy. Great message about this life and eternity


    Bust (1965-1976) 29-40
    • Battle Hymn of the Republic: I like the Marines
    • That's a hard one. Maybe the old Hank Williams tune, Gold and Silver. Something that tells you, don't be sad for me because if you're sad for me, you're spitting on the cross. I want, I hope, my life will be a display of someone who didn't take stock in stuff, someone who was free to give up pursuits of the world, who was free to give himself away.
    • Gut level, right now, I'd say, The Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus. I feel that is why I lived. The sentiment and truth in that song is the sort of strength and meaning in my life.
    • Be Thou My Vision: I'm dead and gone but this is a last chance to remind people not to look to self, but to God
    • Our God is an Awesome God -because it points people back to God and lightens the spirit of those who sing
    Boomlet (1977-1983) 22-28
    • Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus: to focus the service on His presence in such a time of gathering
    • Take My Life and Let It Be: I love it -it's my "life" song -the one I would love to have going through my head all the time. It reminds me of every aspect of my life and how I submit that to God in a practical way. That's my pure heart-prayer -that everything I do would be consecrated to Him in some way.
    • Great Is Thy Faithfulness: God as been so faithful to me


    Gen Ys (1984-1993) 17-21
    • When Peace Like a River: because it basically sums up a Christian's life and thus is appropriate for a funeral
    • Beautiful Face: because of how it speaks of Jesus showing his face to us in many different ways.
    • Every Mover I Make: I want my funeral to be a joyous event because I am now with my Savior
    • In Christ Alone: its one of my favorite songs
    • It would definitely be an upbeat song, don't know just what to name, but something praising God the wonderful day because I am with him now
    • a Taiwanese song, "Lord have everlasting love". God used this song to comfort me when I was sad. The song tells people that the Lord loves us, even when we have already made mistakes, he still loves us, no matter where we go.
    • Draw Me Close
    • Amazing Grace: cause its my favorite
    • What Do I Know (Sarah Groves): meaningful song in my life
    • Sing Alleluia
    • O Come, O Come Emmanuel: peaceful
    • When the Saints Go Marching In: celebration of life
    • All Creation Will Praise: I love that song.
      Some Day We'll Know: That's another one I love.
      The first one talks about how everything will praise God -everything God made praises him, not just people. The second song talks about questions that everyone asks, and I want to know the answers, too.
    • Nothing But the Blood
    • How Great Thou Art -because I would want the people to be focused on God and not on me
    Millennials (1994-200X) 0-11
    • This is Your Life (Switchfoot): because I like that song. I like the words and what they mean.
    • Shine Jesus Shine: a happy song
    • Amazing Grace: good song about how God saves you and leads you in His grace

    4. If someone were to pray for people your age what should they include in that prayer? What are some common issue/struggles/concerns/joys/dreams amongst your peers?


    G.I. (before 1925) 80+
    • Day to day strength, transportation to worship and church activities
    • Am almost 93 and coasting -don't know about my peers. For myself, I do not worry about eternity but do hope that I will drop dead instead of lying on my back in a care center. Have great concern for two of my children that do not have an interest or regard for knowing the Lord. No longer have dreams for the future but greatly enjoy each new day.
    • That we are faithful to God's word
    Silents (1926-1939) 66-79
    • That they enjoy life as best they can. To be content regardless of what God has given you. To thank Him for the blessings which shows His great love. Some have health problems and worry what will happen to them if no children live near by. Concerns of our nation losing love of God and our neighbors. If your children, grand children are not saved to keep praying for them. The joy of seeing your loved ones living for Jesus and dream of a speedy entry into heaven when God calls.
    • That we might have a reasonable healthy life, that we might be included in the life of the congregation.
    • The joy that is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord and our gratitude to God for this joy. Pray for good health as we get older. Thank God for his many promises he has given to us in his Word, God is so faithful.
    • Pray for continued guidance in our decision making with finance issues as well as health issues. We may have concerns with care giving to our elderly parents or to a spouse with health issues. We hope we will know when it is time to leave our home for a care facility and have enough money to live elsewhere.
    • Prayers about people my age, I would hope, would be filled with thanksgiving -for giving us all these years, for blessing us so richly. As far as petition goes, prayers to keep us faithful, to help us in our times of doubt (older people don't have any easier time with faith than younger people) as we face all that's going on in the world around us. And prayers for a continuing sense of meaningfulness, that we still have contributions to make, especially because of our age and stage in life.
    • that we would be able to share our faith easier with others
    • being able to forgive those who hurt me
    War Babies (1940-1945) 60-65
    • That our families may all serve the Lord with gladness and that they may show concern for the elderly and keep in close contact with each other
    • pray for strength of mind and body to be as independent as possible for as long as possible
    • The temptation to become self-centered and pleasure minded is before us as we approach our retirement years. We will have more leisure time available. Wisdom is needed in making good choices with our time. Praying that we would faithfully serve the Lord in making a difference in this world; "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" until he calls us home to heaven would be an important prayer. We also pray that our children and grandchildren will know a heritage of faithfulness, devotion, service, and godly living from us that is genuine and transparent so that they may be inspired to live their lives in trust and obedience to our ever faithful God.


    Leading Edge (1946-1954) 51-59
    • good health, prosperity, commitment to God, common issues: growing kids, retirement
    • Concerns for children, grandchildren, ageing parents, health, employment/retirement issues are some areas of worry/concern. Specifically, I would want prayers for peace (freedom from anxiety) for people of my age. There seems to be so much that can add to our level of worry and anxiety.
    • health for friends and family especially aged parents. Also for children entering college and early adulthood
    • financial concerns, college age children, retirement,
    • time pressures, work pressures, wisdom to be a good parent
    • that we might become closer to Christ each day by putting him first in our lives and others before ourselves. As we age, the realization of our sinful natures increase as does the true meaning of Christ's gift of salvation for us
    Trailing Edge (1955-1964) 41-50
    • I think people my age must begin to face some of the difficulties of saying good-bye to our youth and facing some of the limitations of getting older. We are also in the "sandwich years" of our lives -trying to support and encourage our adult children who are leaving "our nest" and caring for our elderly parents. This is often a real balancing act that calls for love, understanding, and patience and a real time commitment.
    • clarity on who God is and wisdom as to what our true purpose is.
    • to stay on his path, finishing up and accomplishing the purpose the Lord has chosen for us to complete on the earth; not having enough time to spend with family, solitude and transition between business, quiet moments, and praying time.
    • I think people my age need prayer to open our hearts to recognize and be obedient to God's will for us, and, the Holy Spirit's guidance in our lives. That we might resist the temptation of worldliness, materialism and letting "stuff" define who we are. That we might raise our children to know and love God our father, Jesus our savior, and the Holy Spirit our counselor.
    • keep us young in spirit
    • that we not leave behind a legacy of being lukewarm Christians
    • patience dealing with parents, success for children (not just financial), adjustment to changes in life
    • that we raise our children to the very best of our ability. that we raise them with moral values and most of all faith. We need more patience in our generation. We want things now. Now is not always best.
    • family, transitions (empty nest) loneliness,
    • Where daily issues are concerned, people my age seem to need special energy for trudging through life's routine, strength in marriage, freedom from worry over the kids, and encouragement in the perennial struggle to balance work and home life. Overall, we all need prayer to seek God as he is seeking love him above all and our neighbors as ourselves, as the commandments go. Can you imagine what a difference it would make in our lives personally and in community if we were pursuing God above everything else?
    • Kids, that's the number one concern I think for people my age.
    • To be a good witness before our children and the world. To guide through difficulties of raising children, relationships with parents and peers, careers, many burdens of middle age


    Bust (1965-1976) 29-40
    • finances, parenthood, strong marriages
    • I'd say that people my age would know that the resurrection is true. When anybody at any age comes to the conclusion that the resurrection is true, then it changes their economy -how they view their time, money, investment in kids and relationships. IF what's profound about the resurrection comes alive in someone my age, it will shape what they do with their lives. To know the depths of the fullness, wisdom and riches of God: when people get in touch with that, it frees them to stop worrying about paying the bills to live the lives of the people they were created to be. The sooner a person takes that to heart, the sooner they can live in the freedom they've already received in Christ.
    • Deliverance from cynicism. And not just from cynicism, but into heartfelt engagement beyond the façade of engagement. To be less associated with things and more immersed and involved. Our generation has learned to look like it's engaged without actually being engaged. We rely on our association rather than our involvement. We associate ourselves with good books, ideas, philosophies, but we don't really live in them.
    • That as life moves forward and the importance of the church in society recedes, that we be given strength to make a faithful witness in a society antagonistic to it
    • family, those who raised us, and those we are raising; stability in all things; grace to find and spread the knowledge, will and love of God
    Boomlet (1977-1983) 22-28
    • Prayer to remember the presence of the Lord in times of loneliness. Prayer for steadfast hearts to share God's word at school or in the workplace. Prayer for God's strength when things others say or do cause pain. Prayer for God's peace and assurance in busy times. Prayer to keep a close walk with God, especially when important decisions are being made.
    • For me, and a lot of us, we struggle with what to do as we approach the age of leadership so that when our time of leadership is done the church is closer to Christ than it was when we started. That we move it forward. Also, that people my age would see the need for commitment and leadership in the church -just showing up for worship isn't enough.
    • seeing children as blessings and not burdens, abortion, abuse of drugs


    Gen Ys (1984-1993) 17-21
    • That in this age many habits are formed and we in a sense find ourselves/discover who we are. Pray that our peers influence us in a positive way and that when we find ourselves (I mean spiritually, sexually, emotionally, scholastically etc.) that we find someone God would want to call his child
    • People should pray for those that struggle with peer pressure, temptations with drugs, sex, and alcohol. Loneliness is a factor my peers also struggle with.
    • drugs/alcohol problems, school, parents, friends, significant others, peers, pregnancy and illness
    • they should pray about our choices dealing with college and what we are going to do after school. Some common issues with us are drugs, alcohol and sex. We are pressured into doing so many things and we need all the prayers we can get.
    • knowing what to do with life, what path to take, keeping friends and family safe, that friends make good faithful choices, that the world can give us assurance in what we do, for our parents as they are getting older, that God can make our coming lives fruitful and bless us with his love and grace
    • that teenagers today seek God more, for sexual purity
    • to do well in school
    • kindness, definitely kindness and caring, struggle with what we look like, how we act and how other people act
    • better future, to make the right choices for the future of the world; pray for belief and strength to look to God, problems with drugs, STD's problem in high schools
    • Not to be overwhelmed with everything. And to have people realize how sensitive kids my age can be. They can also pray that when kids my age doubt -and I know a lot of them do -God will show them that He's real in a specific way. That at that time He'll, like, meet them in that place so that even if they haven't told anyone about it, they'll know God is real.
    • test scores, a youth minister for our church,
    • strength to deal with peer pressure, school, and issues with friends
    Millennials (1994-200X) 0-11
    • that kids would understand that racism and gossip are not ok
    • that kids would be more reverent and not use bad language and "grey words"
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