Published on
February 24, 2011
One of the remarkable features of Christian theology in recent years is the resurgence of interest in the doctrine of the Trinity.

One of the persistent features of this literature is the observation that Trinitarian theology has considerable implications for Christian worship. This section explores some of those implications.


The Trinitarian DNA of Christian Worship: Perennial Themes in Recent Theological Literature
John D. Witvliet
Yale Institute of Sacred Music Colloquium 2 (2005)

Contemporary Worship Music Matures
Theologically serious songwriters are acknowledging the Trinity in contemporary songs that unite head and heart.

Trinity Matters: The Trinity Needs to be Named Regularly in our Worship (Reformed Worship magazine)
Diane Strickland

Prayer of the Trinity 
N.T. Wright
sermon on expanding the historical "Jesus prayer" to be Trinitarian

Books and Book Chapters

A More Profound Alleluia, chapter 1: "The Opening of Worship: Trinity,"
John D. Witvliet

How Great is Our God: The Trinity in Contemporary Christian Worship  
Lester Ruth

The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Theology and Practice of Christian Worship in the Reformed Tradition
by John D. Witvliet

Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace 
by James B. Torrance

Worshipping Trinity: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
by Robin Parry

Worship Services

The Trinity Who Cares (2 Corinthians 13:14)

God in Three Persons: A Service of Hymns and Readings (Reformed Worship)

God in Three Persons: Four Week Series on the Trinity (Reformed Worship)

We Believe: Service Based on the Nicene Creed (Reformed Worship)

Explore More Resources

Cultural Diversity
Pastoral Care
Celebrating Christian Worship with Lament in Nepal

Nepali Reformed Churches pastor Arbin Pokharel often describes worship as helping worshipers reenact their identity as God’s people. Doing so honestly means including hospitality, healing, prayer, celebration, and lament.

September 2, 2024
Faith Formation
Arbin Pokharel on Shepherd Leadership in the Nepali Reformed Churches

The Nepali Reformed Churches are learning about biblical ecclesiology and shepherd leadership to become more Christ-centered and to prepare for a potentially turbulent future. Churches around the world can apply this learning in their own contexts.

September 2, 2024
Faith Formation
Cultural Diversity
Being the Bridge Between Community and Church in Nepal

Higher Ground Nepal is a social enterprise that includes people from all walks of life in Nepal. Proselytizing is not allowed in Nepal, but when people see others living as the genuine presence of Christ in people’s situations, it makes a difference.

September 2, 2024